I am one of the very few Pomsky breeders in the nation with OFA-tested stud males.
You’re welcome to drive to Louisville KY, drop off your female, and spend a few days in Bourbon Country for either of these boys. They are Brucellosis tested between live covers.
If your female is not Embark DNA tested (and preferably OFA tested) or not breed quality, I retain the right to refuse service.
BRUNI - Beautiful structure, fantastic wooly coat. He produces nicely masked babies and passes on that fabulous inky coat to most (pending females’ genetics). Temperament-wise, he’s sweet and sassy. $3000 ($1500 upfront, remainder due at confirmed pregnancy)
EE, Dd, Bb, NDup, Recessive DM Carrier
REX - Rex is genetically a plush coat but it’s the thickest plush coat I’ve ever seen. At only 11” tall at the shoulders, he is great for reducing leg length and tighter earsets.
He also has a very calm disposition and passes that to his puppies. His puppies tend to chart small at first and then develop the heftiness of their sire, around the 18-24lb mark with 11-13” height. $3000 ($1500 upfront, remainder due at confirmed pregnancy)
18lbs (very hefty for his size)
Ee, DD, Bb, DUPDUP, genetically clear
DASH - Dash is genetically a plush coat but his coat rivals Rex’s. He’s 12” tall at the shoulders, he is also great for reducing leg length and tighter earsets. His fault is a deeper stop, so it’s best to pair him to a female without this fault as well.
He also has a very calm disposition. I’m excited to see his puppies with my girls! $3000 ($1500 upfront, remainder due at confirmed pregnancy). CANNOT BE BRED TO A SABLE OR A MERLE.
His frame should be 14-16lbs but he’s chubby right now.
EE, kyky, ata, Dd, BB, NDup, GT, Mm, Recessive DM carrier
If your female is not Embark DNA tested (and preferably OFA tested) or not breed quality, I retain the right to refuse service.