So you did it!
You bought a KP Pomskies puppy. And I bet you’re so excited for your little bundle of fun and fur to join you in your home!
There’s a few things that you need to do to prepare for this next journey in your life:
Vet Appointment.
The puppy contract stipulates that the puppy must be seen by the vet within 72 hours of receiving, so that the contract is upheld. Especially now with COVID, vet appointments are more limited, so get that appointment in now.
Puppies with DOB of 11/8/21 will be able to go home starting January 7th. Schedule your vet appointment for January 10th with pickups on the weekend.
Puppies with DOB of 11/24/21 will be able to go home starting January 21th. Schedule your vet appointment for January 24th weekend.
Other things to get before puppy comes home:
Crate just big enough for the puppy to lay down/turn around in (or has a divider)
Midwest Gate Exercise Pen 48” (Yes, you want it this tall.. Consider the topper too)
Treats like Blue Buffalo Small Soft Training Treats can be broken in tiny bits.
Chew toys and Squeaky toys, lots of them!
For a full list of recommended items, go to my Fav’s page.
Get down on the ground at puppy level and really look around. Are there cords the puppy can chew up? Are there holes they can fit into? Puppy proof the rooms that the puppy will be in the most.
If you plan on using their litterbox training due to living in an apartment or a rainy area, I get those pine pellets at Tractor Supply. If you don’t have that store, they are called “Pine Equine Stall Pellets” and around $6/40lb bag. They also have Rabbit Trays, which are a perfect holder for the pine pellets.
I’m obligated to tell you that there may be affiliate links on this page to my recommended choices. If you decide to purchase through them, it gives me a few pennies towards my own dogs’ treats.
Things to do after puppy comes home:
Be sure to register your TruPanion Pet insurance (look in your email a few days before you get your puppy) the day you get your puppy. I work hard to get you 30 days free insurance and should there be any accidents, this can save you tremendous amounts of money.
Register the puppy’s microchip. (Depending on the size of the puppy, my vet may inject in the microchip or tell me to let the owners have their vet inject at their multiple vaccination appointments when they are a little bigger/older. There’s a couple of options, you can register them on a site that is an annual fee, like AKC ReUnite $20 Lifetime. Or a free site like .
Lots of patience!
Remember that the puppy will need to be taken outside every 20-30 minutes at first. The guideline is 1 hour for every month of age, but going longer than 2 hours is risking an accident as they don’t have full bladder control until they are 5-6 months of age. When you get a puppy at 8 weeks old, it’s human age equivalent is a 9 month old baby, so set realistic expectations as far as potty training, house training, and other forms of training as age appropriate.