What is this?

So you got your adorable Pomsky puppy. Little fuzzy ball of adorable energy.

Then around month 4-5, you start noticing that the puppy looks like he’s wearing a hoodie with some weirdness going on around his face. His ears outgrow his body, he gets all legs, clumsy and gangly. Then around month 6, the growth has significantly slowed down - but he may be close to being bald with new fur coming in and you wonder if you made the right decision with this expensive dog.

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the “puppy uglies”.

This is when a puppy is in their awkward teen phase. Think braces/zits/oily hair stage of tween/teen human life. DON’T PANIC! It’s a very normal stage, especially for Pomskies.

Some Pomskies fare better than others. Some move gracefully into their adult coats. Others, like one of my girls, ended up looking like a vampiresque, bald, and more than uncomfortably similar look to a Chupacabra!

The good news is that they do grow out of it. Take this awkward stage with some humor and lots of pictures. Then starting around 10 months, they will begin to grow their adult coat. By the time they are 14months or so, they will look similar to what their permanent look will be. The tail tends to continue to grow and the coat will continue to bloom.