Unless they roll into something, Pomskies should be bathed no more than once a month.
Pomskies SHED.
Wooley coats shed the least often, twice a year, but when they do shed, it’s a lot.
Standard coats shed throughout the year.
Getting a good quality slicker brush and a double-row rotating pin undercoat rake will make your lives so much easier.
This one, Chris Christensen Slicker Brush, is more expensive and used by professional groomers. Here’s a cheaper alternative, Paw Brothers Slicker.
Furminator does make a nice undercoat rake (not the blade version!), here’s a link to the correct one.
Pomskies are NEVER to be shaved or clipped short, including ‘teddy bear cuts’ that’s common in Pomeranians. There are tools that should be avoided, anything that cuts the guard hairs. Once the guard hairs are cut, owners run the risk of the guard hairs growing back a different texture, more coarse, the color removed, or it does not grow back properly at all.
GROOMER: When going to a groomer, ask for a de-shedding shampoo, blow out, sanitary trim, nails and ‘light trim’ that basically just trims off the whispies.
Below is a graphic that explains the reasons why:
NOTE: If your groomer has shaved your dog, there is nothing you can do. Offering raw eggs and salmon oil in the diet may assist the fur to grow back. It’s genetic as to whether the color will return and if the fur will be soft again when the fur length is grown out.
Additional info can be found at this link with the American Pomsky Kennel Club (LINK)